
We uplift black men, all children, and all communities through the power of stories from the African Diaspora.


Black Men Read’s vision is that children love reading and have fully embraced reading as an opportunity to take hold of their world.  In our vision, we imagine a world where people honor and appreciate difference and embrace multiple truths about the human experience. Therefore, the BMR experience will inspire a desire for more knowledge of each other and our uniquely rich cultures, heritage and histories.


  • Afro-centricity We are unapologetic about placing the stories experiences of black people at the center of our work; affirming our view of the world through the lens of the black and African experience.
  • Community We serve with the awareness of the power of ‘we versus I.’
  • Liberation We believe the power is in the people and that they are the catalysts of their dreams.
  • Love of learning Knowledge is power.
  • Interdependence As humans and members of this community our fates are tied to one another.
  • Self-determination We define who we are and who we will be in the world.