Our Mission

We uplift black men, all children, and all communities through the power of stories of the African Diaspora.

Our Vision

We envision a beloved community where all children feel loved, seen and valued. We believe that the rich tradition of oral storytelling was how communities thrived before the written word. Now, through books, we hope that young people and their families will carry forward these Indigneous traditions by engaging in readings and learning with us. Ours is a world where all children embrace reading and have fully taken hold of the opportunity to discover their world through learning and inquiry.

We are teaching children to read their world, not just books. We are engaging our children in re-shaping a world where they cannot fail; where their zip code does not define their opportunity.

Our Values

Afro-centricity -we are unapologetic about placing the stories and experiences of Black people at the center of our work to inform a view of the world through the lens of the Black and African experience.

Community – we honor the legacy of collective works and serve with the awareness of the power of ‘we versus I’.

Liberation -we believe that power is in the people and that they are the catalysts of their dreams.

Love of learning – we believe that love and knowledge are power

Interdependence – as humans and members of this community our destinies are tied to one another, stories help us make those connection.

Cultivating genius – we believe literacy, learning and the understanding of our cultural richness cultivate the best in each of us.

Self-determination – we each get to define who we are and who we will be in the world.